Letter from Gabriella Miller Kids First Program

Dear friends and followers, We would like to share information with you from the Gabriella Miller “Kids First” Pediatric Research Program, inspired of course by the late great, very young yet highly mighty Gabriella Miller, DIPG warrior, and childhood cancer activist.  There is also the opportunity here to subscribe to…

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Creating HOPE: Nancy Goodman

CCTR interviews foremost advocate for children with cancer, lawyer, and mom to Jacob, forever 10, 2009, Nancy Goodman.  Nancy brings us news of the RACE for Children Act, a reform of the Pediatric Cancer Research Equity Act or PREA which she champions, and it’s to go to both House and…

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Letter to the President

pdf version   letter sent to Congressional leaders President Barack Obama The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington DC, 20500 Tuesday, September 15, 2015 Dear President Obama, I cannot thank you enough for your kind replies to my previous letters about DIPG children and the desire for more effective action…

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