May 17 is DIPG Awareness Day in California; H.Res.69 Awaits a U.S. House Vote

Most people simply don’t know that our children are not a priority, unless pediatric cancer directly impacts them or someone very close to them. May 14, Santa Clarita, CA–what began in 2014 in California as the first State Awareness Resolution for DIPG, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, the deadliest and theā€¦

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CCTR Presents Lisa Spedale and Leo Somerville

Lisa Spedale reveals the heart-wrenching motive for her involvement in one of the most genius technological advancements in the history of neuroscience. Ā Leo Somerville of technology company Renishaw Inc was changed forever by the heart of one little girl, Kira, afflicted with terminal DIPG. Ā Her brave fight aided the developmentā€¦

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