Keith Desserich and The Cure Starts Now

Keith Desserich, co-founder of The Cure Starts Now worldwide charity for pediatric brain tumor research, joins us today at this hopeful new year’s beginning. When Keith and his wife Brooke found out that their beautiful daughter Elena had DIPG, a devastating pediatric brain tumor, there were no dedicated clinical trials,…

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Dr. Adam Green, HGG (high-grade glioma) Research at UC Denver

Airing 12/22/2016 on Pediatric brain tumors are the leading cause of death in children with cancer, of which DIPG and HGGs (high-grade gliomas) represent a significant need for effective and timely solutions. Researcher Dr. Adam Green gives a clear explanation of the high-grade gliomas and a look into the…

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CCTR 6-16, “Ride for DIPG”

Childhood Cancer Talk Radio interviews Jesse Shumaker, founder of The Cure Starts Now Nebraska Chapter upon the loss of his 8 year old daughter Madelyn, who was afflicted with diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG).   The Cure Starts Now is non-profit charitable organization dedicated to funding DIPG research, raising well…

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