Past Events:
–last days to finish, 4Another‘s John McKay and Everett Smith, with Jack’s Angels runner joining
This could be Thurs, 10/15 or Friday…stopping by Vasquez H.S. in Acton, known for their support of childhood cancer awareness and Jack’s Angels Foundation for DIPG, and the Agua Dulce School, now Albert Einstein Academy, where little Jack spent his time at preschool in 2012:
This is the final 60 miles:
US Capital RUN!–Sept. 19 10am
The final run of Childhood Cancer Awareness Month 2015 begins at the US Capitol Building in Washington, DC at 10am, to follow a circuitous route around the National Monuments, and to finish at the White House.
CALIFORNIA KIDS RIDE NATIONWIDE for Childhood Cancer Awareness
“KIDS RIDE NATIONWIDE for Childhood Cancer Awareness is a one day event/campaign to be held on September 12, 2015. On this date children and adults will peacefully gather in front of every state Capitol building in the country. Our goal is to raise public awareness of our governments severe underfunding of pediatric cancer research. We believe that with this nationwide effort we can’t be ignored. Some states already have coordinators in place and event pages set up, but we still need help in many other states. We hope you will all join us in this effort.”–
Yes we have a California Group and a facebook page and we’re meeting at the State Capitol in Sacramento, CA for this event at 9am on September 12! To participate, like the page and communicate with the group. Those going from the Los Angeles area, please call Janet at 661-977-3125.
DIPG Run for a National Day #3, State Capitol 9/12 at 10:00am
The following route(8.4 mi) will be taken, adding on 1 mi loops around the Capitol Grounds (3x) at the end to make approximately 12 miles. Visit our running page for more information.
Gloria Davis Memorial Golf Tournament Sept. 5
Saturday, Sept. 5 at 10am will be the 10th Annual Gloria Davis Memorial event benefiting Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. The Mod Hatters of Acton generously gave to the “for Jack” DIPG Research Fund, helping us to open it in September of 2013. This year they will be giving to the fund again! It will be at the beautiful Crystalaire Golf Club in Llano, CA. Early Bird rates are available until August 31. Please contact Lisa at 661-435-9343, or visit
LA Beach RUN for DIPG Awareness Sept. 6
Labor Day Weekend on the Beach! Sunday, Sept 6 at 10am we will run from Venice Fishing Pier up past Santa Monica Pier to the Annenburg Community Beachhouse where we turn back and finish on the beach at Santa Monica Pier! Enjoy a day on the beach and at Pacific Park. To sponsor miles, visit:
for DIPG and Childhood Cancer Awareness, Sunday August 30 at 10am, heralding September as Childhood Cancer Awareness month! We’re asking ALL to visit our petition page to read about our campaign for a National DIPG Awareness Day The run goes at 10am from Canyon Country Park to Central Park in Santa Clarita, and Jack’s Angels runner will don the angel wings bedecked with ribbons of over 100 children, carrying a sign.

Friday, August 28th at 6pm! Tickets only $10–by cash or check in person, or by card or paypal, $10.25 at the donation button on this site, with “Jethawks” as memo. Your tickets will be at the Jack’s Angels table next to ‘Will Call’ for you at the entrance! Come early for the flying jets over the Stadium! FLYER
PLANNING MEETING Santa Colorita 5k/Skip for Jack, August 25
Tuesday, August 25 from 4pm-5pm will be the next planning meeting for the Santa Clarita Valley Chamber of Commerce’s big event February 13, 2016. All aspects of planning discussed, all Chamber groups welcome, all Jack’s Angels volunteers welcome. SCV Chamber Office is located at: 27451 Tourney Road, Suite 160, Santa Clarita, CA 91355. Phone: (661) 702-6977 Follow the link for more info and directions.
Volunteer flyers and posters, info night, Sunday March 29, 5:00 at Big Mouth Pizza Agua Dulce
3rd Annual “Art for Jack”Children’s Music and Art Festival 5/3/2015
General Invitation forms: Performing Artists Exhibitors/Sponsors Volunteers Press Release
2/28/2015 @10am, Run for a National DIPG Awareness Day!
ACROSS LOS ANGELES!!–from Mattel Children’s Hospital in Westwood to Children’s Hospital Los Angeles on Sunset Boulevard. Starting at 10am, considering inclement weather predicted, and traffic, the run should end around 2pm at Children’s Hospital LA.
All of our runs this year are “free speech” for our DIPG children who have passed, and who are bravely struggling with no effective therapy developed for treating the terminal disease. We are running for more research for our kids; we believe firmly that if more people across the country are made aware of DIPG and the devastation it has exacted upon thousands of families for decades, “We the People” inevitably insist upon more research funding from our taxpayer dollars going to benefit our most vulnerable, and most precious citizens, our children.
DIPG awareness is pediatric brain tumor awareness, childhood cancer awareness, and awareness also for the inequitable amount of funding available for helping children with disabling diseases. We must have representation in our government when it comes to deciding how our taxpayer dollars are spent, but historically that doesn’t happen unless we demand it. Join us! Our children depend on our commitment to them.
Santa Colorita 5k Fun Run 2.14.15
Looking ahead to the SANTA COLORITA
Castaic Lake State Recreation Center, 32132 Castaic Lake Drive, Castaic, CA 91384
Sign-up on Volunteer spot! Volunteer flyer here and on the “Skip for Jack” page.
We are dedicating our “1st ever” “Skip for Jack!” to the memory of James-William Gregory Demeter, aka “Jack-Jack”, who was afflicted with DIPG, and wanted more than anything to skip and jump. The event is also dedicated to a young man named Nathan Street, who is battling DIPG with tremendous strength and extraordinary bravery. We hope to have Nathan be our Guest of Honor at the event. The Street family lives in Bakersfield, CA and Nathan is currently being treated at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Proceeds from the event benefit the “for Jack” DIPG research fund at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles.
Toys for Tots December 7, 2014 4-8pm
Bring an unwrapped toy or $5 donation for Toys for Tots! Christmas Carol Sing-Along with Jack’s Angels choir “Singing Heart” from 5:30-6pm, at the home of Sandra Beck on McEnnery Canyon Rd. in Acton. Call 310-424-5324 for more information.
Jack’s Angels Fall Meeting
From 4:30-7 pm, Saturday Nov. 15, business meeting 5-6pm at 26868 Canyon End Rd. in Canyon Country. Contact: Toi Bartone, 661-212-8022 Homemade soups, potluck dinner, and let the kids play. Enjoy getting together and helping to plan our upcoming events. All volunteers appreciated and welcome. Business meeting agenda (5-6pm) Skip for Jack, Santa Colorita, volunteer needs Nov. through January, looking ahead to planning “Art for Jack” music and art festival for children, 5/3/15.
Art for Jack Program presents “Singing Heart” Choir, Session I 10/29/14 – 2/4/2015
First Children’s Choir Workshop begins 10/29 Wednesdays, 5:00-6:30pm at “Acton Mainstage”, MPR at 32248 Crown Valley Rd, in Acton, exit the 14 at Crown Valley Rd. Flyers and registration forms are available for download here, and on the Children’s Choir page on the menu above. There will be a minimum of 3 performances, culminating in CSO’s performance of “Carmen” by Georges Bizet, June 6,7 and 14 of 2015.
1st DIPG Awareness Run of 2015! 2-15-2015
Across the Santa Clarita Valley 11.3 mi, 18.1kThe “Jackangel” again asks all locals to join the almost 20k run across the Santa Clarita Valley in support of encouraging the President to declare a National DIPG Awareness Day in 2015!
Acton Park 5K Color Run!! Saturday, June 7 at 8:30am at Acton Park in Acton, CA on Syracuse Rd. at Crown Valley Rd., exit Crown Valley Rd. off the 14 freeway. Jack’s Angels has 2 runners for this event, running for awareness of the urgent need for funding of DIPG and pediatric cancer research. Unfortunately, registration has been frozen, but come on out, if you’re local, to cheer them on!
“FIRST EVER” City Run for Jack’s Angels–BOSTON!!! Sunday, June 8th, at 5pm EST. We don’t know yet how many will run, but J.A. President Janet Demeter will be out there with the awareness signs running a 5-mi route through the center of Boston.
The second annual ‘Art for Jack, “Celebrating Children’s Art”‘ Program returns Tuesday, May 20th from 3:30-7:30pm, at High Desert School off the 14 freeway at Crown Valley Rd. in Acton! The event includes art exhibits, workshops, musical guests, young performers, family entertainment, raffle, silent and/or live auction, and a special presentation by Center Stage Opera! Admission is a suggested donation of $5. Proceeds benefit pediatric brain tumor research at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Sponsorship, exhibitor, and donation forms are now available! Event flyer is available here. Click here for the online press release.
Another Second! The Powderpuff Football Game plays again at Vasquez High School’s Jorgenson Field at 6pm, Friday May 23! If it’s anything like the first one last year, this is an exciting event! The Angels vs. the Saints wowed the coaches and the field with amazing Spirit! At half-time, the First Ever Angel Awards for Volunteers of the Year 2013 will be given to honorees receiving special recognition from Jack’s Angels for their contributions in 2013, which were essential to our formation and survival as an organization, from the Young People’s Awards to Organization of the Year! We are grateful to give back and this is only possible because of the generosity and expertise of master engraver Reginald Marsh. The Karen Marsh Memorial Award, which goes to the Organization of the Year, goes to The Mod Hatters of Acton for their generous contribution to open the “for Jack” DIPG Research Fund at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles. Karen’s contribution last year, before her passing away this last January, was also indispensable to our continuing into