3rd Annual Festival 2015


“Art for Jack” Music and Art Festival for Children

Eventbrite - "Art for Jack" Music and Art Festival for Children Click to View Volunteer Opportunities on VolunteerSpot

UPDATE!  Concert begins promptly at 3:00 pm!  “About the Artists” and Program–Concert Page
boys4“Whatever shall I wear?”  Dress as your favorite superhero!!   This event is a tribute to heroes for childhood cancer everywhere!  FLYER/info Volunteer form
The third annual festival will be held this year at the Sulphur Springs Elementary School MPR, 16628 Lost Canyon Road., Canyon Country, CA 91387, from 1-5pm on Sunday, May 3.



girl2  The first portion of the event from 1-3pm will be focused on 4 different art workshops and family entertainment, including art exhibits, a magic show, silent auction/raffle, and a variety of performing arts media.  At 3pm, our Concert of Young Artists begins, with violinists, pianists, improvisational jazz band, theatre, and a ballet prelude;  the program is posted below.  The goal of our event is to celebrate children’s art in a fun, happy, memorable experience for children and adults alike!  Proceeds from our event benefit the “for Jack” DIPG Research Fund at Children’s Hospital Los Angeles, and our mission of supporting the arts for children in our community.   Admission consists of the following suggested donations:  $12 per adult, $5 per child, and no donation is suggested for children under 6.  Tickets can be purchased below.program

Grandpa Peter and Jack, 7/14/12

Grandpa Peter and Jack, 7/14/12


Our Wall of DIPG Heroes will be on display with information about DIPG and Childhood Cancer, as well as our grassroots activism and advocacy for DIPG awareness.  Our families, world-wide, have suffered for decades in the dark, alone, feeling the cold nature of an economic system that values drug profits for corporate investments over our children’s lives.  We believe that our representative democracy is still very much intact, and that if more people knew how little of our tax-payer dollars allotted for cancer research by our government every year benefits pediatric research, they would be as appalled as those of us who are directly affected, and demand change.  Change only happens if we ask for it; there will be suggestions and directions for helping our cause and desire to see a National DIPG Awareness Day in the USA.  DIPG is an example of a childhood cancer that is marginalized as rare and thus undeserving of research funding, yet is responsible for thousands of deaths over the years and as many devastated families.  We believe that no family should ever be told that there are no solutions for them because, “…the numbers aren’t great enough for investors,” but, sadly and unacceptably, that’s what the reality is today.

For businesses and individuals wishing to participate in our event, or contribute to our silent auction/raffle, or offer promotional contributions and/or donations, download the exhibitor/donation form.  The Headliner Sponsor(3 available) has banner placement on the stage apron, and/or a promotional table/booth area, and notice on the concert program for a $500 donation.  Inquiries are to be made directly to jacksangels1@gmail.com, or by calling 661-977-3125.


From the original “Under the Sea” collection donated by Peggy Marrone’s art students of the Agua Dulce Elementary School, Spring 2012.

Zony Gordon, Santa Clarita artist

Zony Gordon, Santa Clarita artist

For more information about how this event came to be, visit our main Art for Jack page, and also “Project Angel Box”, which is an special program of Jack’s Angels.

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