Morgan Platt, 12 years old, 5 year survivor of GBM from Avon CT tells CCTR about her finishing a fundraiser for her two favorite charities, to the tune of $14,000. Truly and inspiration, Morgan undergoes continuing chemotherapy and is beset by many sleepless nights and nausea…but her bright and shining personality cast out any cloudy thinking. Indeed, her positivity is unusually bright and pervasive and is present in all who know her. Mom Kathy relays a bit about how difficult the constant knowledge of the deadliness of GBM, and Morgan’s unusual beating of the odds can be very difficult despite the outer appearance of wellness. Brother Kyle talks about his upcoming charity project with his school, proud of his creative success. Featured: Tyler Robinson Foundation, Sunshine Kids
CCTR Interviews Morgan Platt, 12 yrs. old, 5-year survivor of GBM
Morgan Platt, 12 years old, 5 year survivor of GBM from Avon CT tells CCTR about her finishing a fundraiser for her two favorite charities, to the tune of $14,000. Truly and inspiration, Morgan undergoes continuing chemotherapy and is beset by many sleepless nights and nausea…but her bright and shining personality cast out any cloudy thinking. Indeed, her positivity is unusually bright and pervasive and is present in all who know her. Mom Kathy relays a bit about how difficult the constant knowledge of the deadliness of GBM, and Morgan’s unusual beating of the odds can be very difficult despite the outer appearance of wellness. Brother Kyle talks about his upcoming charity project with his school, proud of his creative success. Featured: Tyler Robinson Foundation, Sunshine Kids