Shepherd Foundation and the Cancer Patient Equity Act of 2021

Catharine Young, Executive Director of the Shepherd Foundation (Alexandria, VA) visits with us to give history and background to the Cancer Patient Equity Act of 2021, H. R. 5377, newly introduced to the US House of Representatives. With a focus on equity for patients with rare cancers, which comprise a…

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Braving the Controversy of Cancer Success: Pioneering Scientist and Physician Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski

Dr. Burzynski’s cancer research and patient care has been inspired by the philosophy of the physician Hippocrates: ‘First, do no harm’. The Burzynski Clinic (Houston, TX) approach to treatment is ‘personalized’ in an attempt to maximize effectiveness and minimize side effects for each cancer patient.  However the success of his…

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Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation with Dena Sherwood, Founder

  On July 6, 2008, the lives of Dena and Billy Sherwood changed forever when their then 13-month-old son, Billy Jr., was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma, a very aggressive cancer of the sympathetic nervous system that most commonly occurs in infants and children under the age of five. In August of…

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1Voice Foundation with Mary Ann Massolio

1Voice Foundation, based in Brandon, Florida has been innovating and implementing helpful programs for children with cancer for over 2 decades. We have the unique opportunity to hear from Founder and CEO Mary Ann Massolio, who shares with us her dedication, from her own tragic loss, to serving the childhood…

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BOOK LAUNCH: Candy Cotton Clouds, with Kristena Kitchen

Kristena Kitchen joins us from Maryland and Bryanna’s Love Foundation to share her upcoming book launch for “Cotton Candy Clouds” on Thursday, September 9th at 7pm ET Live on Facebook. Kristena’s daughter Bryanna tragically lost her life in 2018 to ETP-ALL, a rare type of childhood leukemia for which there…

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