Kids First 2.0 with Ellyn Miller

podcast now available!

Ellyn Miller joins us to discuss the Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act, originally signed into law by President Obama in 2014. The original bill ensured that a special fund was created at National Institutes of Health for research into pediatric disease, which historically receives inadequate funding for research.

We’re fortunate to hear about her daughter Gabriella, whos fight with brain cancer inspired the Smashing Walnuts Foundation as well as the naming of this very important bill. Kids First 2.0, or H.R.2008, ensures the continuation of this project which funds urgently needed research into pediatric cancer and other genetic-related diseases considered rare in our medical research system.

Advocacy for H.R.2008 is encouraged with references to the Smashing Walnuts Facebook page and the website at

Her son Jake, Gabriella’s brother, endures the pain of loss to which siblings are subject in their own unique way; we learn that November is Bereaved Sibling Awareness Month.


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