Portrait of a Mom: Quality of Life and Neuroblastoma, with Sarah Brewer

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Sarah Brewer knows the fear; through years of experience with her son Ben, diagnosed with Neuroblastoma at 2 years of age, her daughter Madeline just born, hers is a story of the most pervasive power of all:  love. Her family changed forever, but love and caring remain intact and reign supreme.

Hearing Sarah’s story of commitment and faith in the face of perilous uncertainty, for so long, is a testament to the preciousness of her son Ben in his brave fight, and to the importance of embracing the best in each moment–and insisting on it.
Sarahs blog documenting Ben’s awesome survival is at www.strongerthanilook.com, a must-read for parents of children with cancer.

The podcast can be found online at:  http://bit.ly/CCTR12-14-17.  (our podcast links are always case-sensitive)

You can listen to live TogiNet radio at www.TogiNet.com.  Childhood Cancer Talk Radio airs every Thursday at 4pm Eastern time, 1pm Pacific.

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