“Lighten Our Darkness”: Two Moms Advocate for Others from Life’s Most Tragic Loss

Kirsten Finley and Jamie Franzini, both coincidentally from the same Congressional District in Florida–that of Rep. DeSantis (R-FL-6)–discuss their recent and tragic losses and resulting action in advocacy for children with cancer to inspire greater awareness for the perilous situation so many families find themselves in every day in the…

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Shane and Shawnee Doherty: The Story behind “Hope through Hollis”

Shane and Shawnee Doherty discuss frankly their experience with their son Hollis who was diagnosed with DIPG in March of 2016. DIPG, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, is for all practical considerations a death sentence. The Doherty family showed an extraordinary solidarity out of the gate to endure the experience in…

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