Long Live Katherine the Brave

#KatherinetheBrave  #runforDIPG  #HRes586  #LosAngeles For immediate release June 7, 2016 Los Angeles CA–Today the Angel Runner hits the pavement of downtown Los Angeles in memory of Katie King, aka Katherine the Brave, a little 7-yr old girl from Placentia who, sadly, succumbed to DIPG last evening 6/6/2016 around 7:30pm in…

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Press Release 1/13/2016

“Chad and Jack’s DIPG Resolution” (unofficially titled for Chad Carr of Michigan, and Jack Demeter, of California) http://knightforms.house.gov/news/email/show.aspx?ID=QL2FAABJSRT6G “Letter to Colleagues” by Adam Brooks (introductory letter to Resolution)      /     Resolution Text KNIGHT INTRODUCES BIPARTISAN CHILDHOOD CANCER RESEARCH BILL  CONGRESSMAN WORKING WITH AGUA DULCE RESIDENT TO INCREASE…

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Chad and Jack’s DIPG Resolution and Childhood Cancer; is it relevant? The Resolution is named for Chad Carr of Michigan and Jack Demeter of California, both beloved and perished to DIPG. …this is about making a decision, a decision to not look away, but to acknowledge the relevance of life.…

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“‘Just Say It!’–DIPG–The Run for a National Day” heralds the fight to end obscurity for DIPG in the United States.

DIPG parents must watch and wait in terror as their child disappears from this world knowing that to our current system they don’t matter. How many more of them have to die before they are a priority? This is why I’m running for a National Day. On PRWeb For Immediate…

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Letter to Governor Brown, updated

This has been re-submitted to California Governor Jerry Brown –“Thank you Governor Brown, for your consideration and time, which I know is limited to very urgent matters. I must emphasize that my reaching out to you in full knowledge of this is due to the fact that I am aware of…

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Local Mom’s National Campaign for DIPG Awareness

“Just Say It!”—A Local Mom’s National Campaign for DIPG Awareness   August 17, 2015, Santa Clarita, CA—Janet Demeter is running on the heels of good fortune, the local leadership of our very own CA State Assemblyman Scott Wilk who, touched by the story of Jacks Angels Foundation, authored ACR151 which…

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“They were told it was a ‘rare’ brain tumor, and that nothing had been done for decades, in research, because the ‘numbers’ weren’t great enough for investors.  After his death, they came to learn that DIPG is one of the more common pediatric brain tumors(12% incidence), and responsible for roughly…

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DIPG Awareness Run kicks-off the WEEK in California

The DIPG Awareness Run on May 25, 2015 marked the beginning of the first celebrated DIPG Awareness Week in the State of California.  Declared in June of 2014 by the California State Assembly, thanks to the work of Assemblyman Scott Wilk, a national statement and achievement was made for DIPG,…

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Download/Copy pdf For immediate release—Santa Clarita CA, Tuesday, March 24, 2015:  Jack’s Angels Foundation presents its 3rd Annual “Art for Jack” Music and Art Festival for Children on Sunday May 3, 2015 at the Sulphur Springs Elementary School MPR in Canyon Country, CA from 1-5pm.  The event celebrates the artistic…

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