A U.S. Congress United: Resolution Spotlights Childhood Brain Cancer, Establishes May 17 as DIPG Awareness Day

May 17, 2023, Washington, DC–Just in time for the 118th Congress, yesterday was the fifth introduction to the U.S. House of Representatives of the DIPG Awareness Resolution, which draws attention to the unmet medical needs of children with brain cancer and establishes May 17 as DIPG Awareness Day.  With a…

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State and National Parent Advocacy for Childhood Brain Cancer

Parent advocacy for childhood brain cancer at the state level in South Carolina with Randy Hinton begins today’s show, as he shares his relationship with the South Carolina Department of Environmental and Health Control, and the SC Cancer Registry which operates under that department. Randy’s advocacy supported the 2021 South…

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Progress in Advocacy with the Children’s Cancer Cause 2021

Visit TogiNet.com for a complete list of podcasts available, including this one. Today’s show is a recap of recent advances in childhood cancer advocacy and reiterates the basic facts about childhood cancer for which we strive to provide a worldwide platform for awareness at Childhood Cancer Talk Radio. As co-founder…

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Advocacy Group Hosts Demonstration at US Capitol for Dismissed Measure Supporting Children Facing A Cruel Death

  The DIPG Awareness Resolution brings attention to children fighting for their lives; House leadership continues to dismiss them on a technicality. Oct. 31, 2020, Santa Clarita, CA– DIPG Advocacy Group, a coalition of pediatric brain cancer foundations and individual childhood cancer advocates, formed in late 2017 expressly for the…

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Game Changer: Moonshot4Kids Congressional Briefing Brings Hope, New Research Opportunities to Pediatric Brain Cancer

Progress forward has come only from a collaborative effort by those who…could not turn away from this urgent, unmet need.  How much larger the effort would be…if more people were aware, and more people and resources joined us in this fight. Dr. Michelle Monje, Associate Professor of Neurology, and by…

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Reps Speier, Joyce Introduce Bipartisan Resolution to Fight Deadly Pediatric Cancer

Contact: DC – Tracy Manzer (202) 225-3531 (W) / (202) 538-0641 (C) tracy.manzer@mail.house.gov CA – Katrina Rill (650) 342-0300 (W) / (650) 208-7441 (C) katrina.rill@mail.house.gov Reps Speier, Joyce Introduce Bipartisan Resolution to Fight Deadly Pediatric Cancer Washington, DC –Today, Reps. Jackie Speier (D-San Francisco/San Mateo) and David P. Joyce (R-Cleveland),…

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Facebook Post to Ryan Gosling

January 4, 2019, Agua Dulce, CA–I sent this note to Ryan Gosling on Facebook, hoping that somehow it would reach him: Hi Ryan, hoping this is actually your page. I just wanted you to know about an important awareness movement for the childhood cancer community, specifically for brainstem glioma–DIPG, the…

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May 17 is DIPG Awareness Day in California; H.Res.69 Awaits a U.S. House Vote

Most people simply don’t know that our children are not a priority, unless pediatric cancer directly impacts them or someone very close to them. May 14, Santa Clarita, CA–what began in 2014 in California as the first State Awareness Resolution for DIPG, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, the deadliest and the…

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Death Sentence for 300 Children Each Year in the United States Motivates DIPG Advocacy Group Trip to Washington DC

April 14, 2018 The current medical research system…is non-apologetically and systematically divested of concern. April 12, 2018, Santa Clarita, CA–The DIPG Advocacy Group, organized by childhood cancer advocate Janet Demeter of Agua Dulce, CA is preparing a trip to Washington DC for the week of April 16, 2018 to visit…

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DIPG Awareness Day—A National Movement

I’m re-posting this as, for some reason, the blog page isn’t allowing access to posts other than the one page…sorry, I’m not a tech genius and I don’t have a volunteer working on organizing our site. Original date was July 24, 2017. (H.Res.69 asks for a date henceforth, not just…

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