MaxCure and the Run for the White House

Brian Jones, creator of the Run for the Whitehouse for Childhood Cancer on Facebook joins us to describe the beginnings of the program, what it has become, and discusses the adventure of teaming up with MaxCure Foundation with Executive Director Jonathan Agin. Both gentleman are prominent US advocates for children…

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#RunfortheKids and the Quest of Christopher Winters

CCTR interviews Christopher Winters, Chief of Staff to PA House of Representatives Honorable Member Tom Caltagirone about his extensive experience in public service and work since 2013 in the Childhood Cancer Community, how he became one of the fiercest advocates for kids fighting cancer and their families in the nation.…

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BethAnn Telford and the World Marathon Challenge

CCTR interviews BethAnn Telford, originally from Harrisburg, PA and now living in Fairfax, VA; she is a brain cancer survivor and ultra-distance runner for brain cancer research. BethAnn talks about the children who inspire her to run, and the urgently needed research for brain cancer funded by ABC2; Max Wallace,…

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Dr. Adam Green, HGG (high-grade glioma) Research at UC Denver

Airing 12/22/2016 on Pediatric brain tumors are the leading cause of death in children with cancer, of which DIPG and HGGs (high-grade gliomas) represent a significant need for effective and timely solutions. Researcher Dr. Adam Green gives a clear explanation of the high-grade gliomas and a look into the…

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Children’s Cause for Cancer Advocacy

CCTR interviews George Dahlman, CEO of the Children’s Cause for Cancer Advocacy, the United State’s Premier Childhood Cancer Advocacy organization. Mr. Dahlman is responsible for identifying and advancing issues that will improve the treatment and lives of childhood cancer patients and their families with Congress, the Administration, federal agencies and…

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CureSearch CEO Laura Thrall

CCTR interviews Laura Thrall, CEO of CureSearch since 2012, with five years of refining purpose, innovation, and efficiency in the medical research industry to benefit pediatric cancer research funding. The primary goal and measure of the success of any new policy should be evident in patient care, access, and improved…

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Keira Wrenn: DIPG Survivor

It’s with great joy and anticipation that this article was entitled.  CCTR interviews Emma Wrenn who’s daughter Keira is a survivor of DIPG, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, a virtually unheard-of experience. Emma shares with us the realities of diagnosis and experimental treatment, and the inevitable challenges of living with the…

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Make It Better Agent, Ann Graham

CCTR interviews Ann Graham, founder and CEO of MIB Agents, an organization devoted to making the lives of children and young people with osteosarcoma better. A groundbreaking conference, FACTOR, is scheduled for 2/24-25 of 2017 including experts, clinicians, patients, and families of children who have perished or who are currently…

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INSIDE CUREFEST with Emily Belcher

CCTR interviews Emily Belcher, advocate, event planner, mother of a childhood cancer survivor, and CureFest volunteer, who tells us about the early days of CureFest, the events goals and influence, and the direction of the Childhood Cancer Awareness Movement. Emily discloses her daughter’s frightening experience with PNET, a pediatric brain…

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Zamora Moon: Living with DIPG

CCTR intereviews Marisa Martinez, mom to Zamora Moon, a little 9-year old girl battling DIPG, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, arguably one of the deadliest cancers which is almost exclusively pediatric.  Her pioneering journey into the unknown includes treatments in Germany and the UK.  Lisa Spedale, who’s daughter Kira was the…

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