Colorado Treasures: The Morgan Adams Foundation and Cops Fighting Cancer

Denver CO–Morgan Adams Foundation co-founder Joan Slaughter joins us to share this organization’s 20 year history of advancing the clinical trial process for pediatric cancer in the medical research system. Her daughter Morgan had been diagnosed at 5 years old with GBM in 1997, surviving 11 months past the diagnosis…

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To the Members of the Energy and Commerce Committee, and Sub-Committee on Health

The missing ingredient is greater public awareness to the chronic lack of adequate research funding for pediatric cancers, most of which are deadly, marginalized as rare, and devoid of solutions.   Thank you for considering this and the attached information being distributed among all members of the House of Representatives.  Your…

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Research Edition #3: Hepatoblastoma and the Foundation for Addie’s Research

After months of frustrating ER visits for high fevers, Adelaide ‘Addie’ was diagnosed in November 2015 with Hepatoblastoma, a rare pediatric liver cancer; it was just four days before her 2nd birthday. Addie fought a fast-spreading disease with grace; she shared her contagious smile and joyous spirit with everyone she…

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Bill Kohler: When Suddenly There’s No Time.

From a State Tax Measure bringing needed funds to pediatric cancer research, to leading in the country-wide movement for a DIPG Awareness Day, Pennsylvania is leading in authentic grassroots advocacy for children with cancer and their families. Bill Kohler is a highly respected and decorated veteran of the Iraq war,…

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Barbara Salzman and The Jester

Barbara Saltzman joins us from Palos Verdes CA, home of The Jester & Pharley™ Phund, the charity that grew out of her late son David’s best-selling children’s book, “The Jester Has Lost His Jingle.” David created The Jester as his senior project at Yale before his death from cancer in…

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