2024 US Senate DIPG Pediatric Brain Cancer Awareness Resolution

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 16, 2024 CONTACT: Chip Unruh, (202) 224-4642 U.S. Senate Passes DIPG Pediatric Brain Cancer Awareness Resolution Rubio-Reed resolution recognizes May 17 as DIPG Pediatric Brain Cancer Awareness Day WASHINGTON, DC – In an effort to raise awareness about pediatric brain cancer, encourage research on diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG)…

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Bill Kohler: When Suddenly There’s No Time.

From a State Tax Measure bringing needed funds to pediatric cancer research, to leading in the country-wide movement for a DIPG Awareness Day, Pennsylvania is leading in authentic grassroots advocacy for children with cancer and their families. Bill Kohler is a highly respected and decorated veteran of the Iraq war,…

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Reps Speier, Joyce Introduce Bipartisan Resolution to Fight Deadly Pediatric Cancer

Contact: DC – Tracy Manzer (202) 225-3531 (W) / (202) 538-0641 (C) tracy.manzer@mail.house.gov CA – Katrina Rill (650) 342-0300 (W) / (650) 208-7441 (C) katrina.rill@mail.house.gov Reps Speier, Joyce Introduce Bipartisan Resolution to Fight Deadly Pediatric Cancer Washington, DC –Today, Reps. Jackie Speier (D-San Francisco/San Mateo) and David P. Joyce (R-Cleveland),…

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DIPG Advocacy Group Letter to House Leadership

re:  H. Res. 69 House Vote before the end of Session II, 115th Congress                                       November 28, 2018 To: The Honorable Speaker of the House of Representatives Paul Ryan (WI-1), The Honorable Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (CA-12); The Honorable Chairman of the Energy…

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Appeal for a Presidential Proclamation for the Deadliest Pediatric Brain Cancer

On Day 23 of Brain Tumor Awareness Month in 2018, it seemed apropos to share this appeal: The Honorable Donald J. Trump President of the United States The White House Office of Proclamations 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500   Dear President Trump,   On behalf of the DIPG…

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May 17 is DIPG Awareness Day in California; H.Res.69 Awaits a U.S. House Vote

Most people simply don’t know that our children are not a priority, unless pediatric cancer directly impacts them or someone very close to them. May 14, Santa Clarita, CA–what began in 2014 in California as the first State Awareness Resolution for DIPG, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, the deadliest and the…

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May 17 Marks an Acton-Agua Dulce Tradition for Powderpuff and Brain Cancer

  May 2, 2018, Agua Dulce CA–Vasquez High School students in Acton are preparing for their 6th Annual Powderpuff Football Game benefiting Jack’s Angels, a local charity dedicated to awareness and research for DIPG, the deadliest pediatric brain cancer, and advocacy for children with cancer. The Powderpuff Game began in…

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Death Sentence for 300 Children Each Year in the United States Motivates DIPG Advocacy Group Trip to Washington DC

April 14, 2018 The current medical research system…is non-apologetically and systematically divested of concern. April 12, 2018, Santa Clarita, CA–The DIPG Advocacy Group, organized by childhood cancer advocate Janet Demeter of Agua Dulce, CA is preparing a trip to Washington DC for the week of April 16, 2018 to visit…

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