Vesselon: Addressing the Challenges of Brain Cancer with Non-Invasive Technology

Rhodemann Li and Clayton Larsen, co-founders of Vesselon describe the unique blending of two technologies into one platform effectively solving the problem of the blood-brain barrier in treating brain cancer.  Using ultrasound and micro-bubbles, the future of pediatric brain cancer treatment could include a simple hand-held device enhancing the delivery of…

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Rubio, Bennet Reintroduce Legislation Benefiting Pediatric Cancer Research

Link to Marco Rubio’s site: Feb. 27, 2017 Washington, D.C. – U.S. Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL), Michael Bennet (D-CO), Chris Van Hollen (D-MD), and Cory Gardner (R-CO) today reintroduced the RACE for Children Act (Research to Accelerate Cures and Equity for Children Act), legislation supporting the development of innovative and promising…

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“Talking Advocacy” with Danielle Leach

Today’s guest, Danielle Leach, gives the childhood cancer community helpful information about advocacy, being a parent of a child with cancer, bereavement, experience with the non-profit health industry, and more practical advice for parents. There are many ways to advocate; you don’t have to go to Washington and talk to…

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Help End Obscurity for DIPG and Pediatric Cancer

Rally-On for H.Res.69!  Help End Obscurity for DIPG and Pediatric Cancer February 19, 2017, Agua Dulce, CA—Jack’s Angels Foundation is calling on the Childhood Cancer Community for support in rallying Congress for the 2017 National DIPG Awareness Resolution, H.Res.69.   It raises awareness to the realities of pediatric brain cancer, and…

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4th Annual Santa Colorita Run Includes “Skip for Jack” Tribute to Children with the Deadliest Pediatric Brain Cancer, DIPG

For immediate release: 4th Annual Santa Colorita Run Includes “Skip for Jack” Tribute to Children with the Deadliest Pediatric Brain Cancer, DIPG February 18, 2017, Agua Dulce CA—The Santa Colorita 5k Fun-Run on February 25, 2017 at Castaic Lake Recreation Center in Castaic, CA, produced by the Santa Clarita Valley…

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NC3: Legislative Advocacy at the State and Municipal Level

CCTR interiews Christopher Winters, President of the emerging National Children’s Cancer Consortium, a project of collaboration between parents, advocates, and concerned citizens with policies developed after 18 months of current, grassroots research into the challenges children with cancer and their families face regularly. The goal of the Consortium is to…

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