May 17 is DIPG Awareness Day in California; H.Res.69 Awaits a U.S. House Vote

Most people simply don’t know that our children are not a priority, unless pediatric cancer directly impacts them or someone very close to them. May 14, Santa Clarita, CA–what began in 2014 in California as the first State Awareness Resolution for DIPG, diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, the deadliest and the…

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DIPG Awareness Day—A National Movement

I’m re-posting this as, for some reason, the blog page isn’t allowing access to posts other than the one page…sorry, I’m not a tech genius and I don’t have a volunteer working on organizing our site. Original date was July 24, 2017. (H.Res.69 asks for a date henceforth, not just…

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May 17 is DIPG Awareness Day—A National Movement

I discovered it was the 2nd most common pediatric brain tumor, and responsible for the majority of pediatric brain cancer deaths each year.  If brain cancer is the leading cause of death in kids with cancer, it’s hardly irrelevant, no matter how you define ‘rare’. May 14, 2017, Santa Clarita,…

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