Ellyn Miller and Jill Morin on “Kids First!” #GMKF

The Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act 2.0 was introduced in a bipartisan way on April 17, 2020. The original bill signed by President Obama in 2014 established a special fund and database with NIH for childhood genetic diseases and childhood cancers, an area of research which has been historically…

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Senator Rubio Applauds the Passage of his Resolution to Designate May 17 as DIPG #PediatricBrainCancer Awareness Day

News article from EIN Presswire May 19, 2020, Santa Clarita, CA–This evening, Senator Rubio’s office sent news to Janet Demeter, Organizer for the DIPG Advocacy Group and founder of Jack’s Angels, a childhood brain cancer foundation in Agua Dulce, CA, that a Senate vote had taken place and had unanimously…

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#Moonshot4Kids: To House Committee Leadership

To Chairman Pallone, Ranking Member Walden, Chairwoman Eshoo, and Ranking Member Dr. Burgess: DIPG Advocacy Group and the undersigned are asking for your attention to the leading cause of cancer-related death in children, pediatric brain cancer, and H. Res. 114, the DIPG Awareness Resolution.  We are asking for its process…

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In Texas Style: Annette Leslie Raises the Bar for Funding Childhood Cancer Research

A definite perspective emerges on what has become the Childhood Cancer Awareness Movement from one of its most influential advocates and supporters. Annette Leslie’s son, Carson Leslie, was afflicted with medullobastoma; before perishing to the disease, he wrote a book called “Carry Me” to give the benefit of his experience…

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