Long Live Katherine the Brave

#KatherinetheBrave  #runforDIPG  #HRes586  #LosAngeles For immediate release June 7, 2016 Los Angeles CA–Today the Angel Runner hits the pavement of downtown Los Angeles in memory of Katie King, aka Katherine the Brave, a little 7-yr old girl from Placentia who, sadly, succumbed to DIPG last evening 6/6/2016 around 7:30pm in…

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CCTR Interviews Morgan Platt, 12 yrs. old, 5-year survivor of GBM

Morgan Platt, 12 years old, 5 year survivor of GBM from Avon CT tells CCTR about her finishing a fundraiser for her two favorite charities, to the tune of $14,000.  Truly and inspiration, Morgan undergoes continuing chemotherapy and is beset by many sleepless nights and nausea…but her bright and shining…

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Relay for Jack: Local Communities come together in support of National DIPG Awareness Week

For immediate release Relay for Jack: Local Communities come together in support of National DIPG Awareness Week May 24, 2016, Santa Clarita, CA—HRes586 was introduced to the House of Representatives Energy and Commerce Committee on January 13, 2016, by Congressman Steve Knight (R-CA-25) the day after the Moonshot Initiative was…

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CCTR Presents Kathy Riley and We Can Pediatric Brain Tumor Network

Kathy Riley talks to CCTR about We Can Pediatric Brain Tumor Network, which began 20 years ago with the support and camaraderie between mothers of pediatric brain tumor patients.  The support and healing which came from their sharing was so helpful that they wanted to share it with others.  The…

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ABC2: Funding Creativity in Brain Cancer Research

Max Wallace, President and CEO of ABC2–Accelerate Brain Cancer Cure, talks about founder and venture capitalist Dan Case who had been afflicted with, and ultimately died of brain cancer. ABC2 has for a model Dan’s genius for taking risks fearlessly and applying the venture approach to brain cancer research and…

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Letter to President Obama

To President Barack Obama:                                                                                       Thursday May 5, 2016 I had the pleasure of meeting with Fae Jencks in the Office of Science and Technology this last Tuesday regarding an Awareness Resolution currently in the House of Representatives, HRes586, designating the 4th week of May to be National DIPG Awareness Week. …

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