Hope Over Despair: Mariah Olson, Neuroblastoma Survivor

Mariah Olson was diagnosed in 1980 with neuroblastoma at the age of one year, and is a living testament as a survivor to the difficulties that so many children with cancer endure as a result of toxic, out-dated treatments they receive. She also attests to the pycho-social challenges of growing…

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All In To Win Foundation with Christina Wascher

Christina Wascher, a long-time childhood cancer advocate, is the President and founder of the All-In-to-Win Foundation based in Miami Florida since 2013. Christina has been a philanthropist and an entrepreneur in US and European project developments for Claridon International since 1982, specializing in start-up projects and bringing them to completion.…

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Progress in Advocacy with the Children’s Cancer Cause 2021

Visit TogiNet.com for a complete list of podcasts available, including this one. Today’s show is a recap of recent advances in childhood cancer advocacy and reiterates the basic facts about childhood cancer for which we strive to provide a worldwide platform for awareness at Childhood Cancer Talk Radio. As co-founder…

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Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation, with Mike Gillette!

podcast download Arms Wide Open Childhood Cancer Foundation’s mission (AWOCCF) is to fund less toxic therapies for children with cancer so they can have a better quality of life as they battle the disease and to give families hope by bridging the funding gap and making available potentially life-saving clinical…

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Letter to Speaker Pelosi, Dec. 22, 2020

What’s in a day?  Everything.  For us, absolutely everything. Madam Speaker, After 5 years of advocating for the National DIPG Awareness Resolution I’ve discovered that for the third introduction in 2019, the lead sponsor never intended to fight for this bill, or these kids, to be considered with respect to…

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Advocacy Group Hosts Demonstration at US Capitol for Dismissed Measure Supporting Children Facing A Cruel Death

  The DIPG Awareness Resolution brings attention to children fighting for their lives; House leadership continues to dismiss them on a technicality. Oct. 31, 2020, Santa Clarita, CA– DIPG Advocacy Group, a coalition of pediatric brain cancer foundations and individual childhood cancer advocates, formed in late 2017 expressly for the…

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“Our Amazing Fighters” with LeAnna Headley

Meet LeAnna Headley, Childhood Cancer Talk Radio’s Hero of the Week! Our Amazing Fighters started as a simple instagram page in August of 2014 by now 19-year-old LeAnna Headley from Richmond, VA to raise awareness for childhood cancer. Since then it has evolved into so much more than a social…

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Ellyn Miller and Jill Morin on “Kids First!” #GMKF

The Gabriella Miller Kids First Research Act 2.0 was introduced in a bipartisan way on April 17, 2020. The original bill signed by President Obama in 2014 established a special fund and database with NIH for childhood genetic diseases and childhood cancers, an area of research which has been historically…

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In Texas Style: Annette Leslie Raises the Bar for Funding Childhood Cancer Research

A definite perspective emerges on what has become the Childhood Cancer Awareness Movement from one of its most influential advocates and supporters. Annette Leslie’s son, Carson Leslie, was afflicted with medullobastoma; before perishing to the disease, he wrote a book called “Carry Me” to give the benefit of his experience…

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The First Ladies of Data

with Ellyn Miller and Amanda Haddock Today’s show features groundbreaking innovation for our medical research system to better accommodate the research needs for childhood cancer, inspired from the experiences of both of our guests who witnessed the urgent, unmet needs of children with brain cancer, the leading cause of cancer-related…

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